Thursday, August 22, 2019

Food cleanses Liver!!!

The liver is an important organ which cleanses the body by removing the toxins o the body. The liver filters the blood and it's involved with the digestion process. It generates bile and breaks down the food into small particles and extracts the nutrients from it.

 The liver may fill up with toxins and harmful chemicals because of the toxic environment and processed junk food consumption. 

This overwhelming toxin of the liver affects the liver’s functions. Some food products are involving in the liver cleansing process. Include these food items into your diet plan and let the liver be happy and healthy.

1) Garlic: It has selenium, this mineral helps to remove the toxins of the liver and it induces Liver enzymes.

2) Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, grapefruit are involving in the cleansing of the liver.

3) Vegetables: Broccoli and Cauliflower have Glucosinolate which induces the liver’s enzymes for detoxification and encourages natural detoxification process. Leafy, fibrous vegetable reduces the work burden of liver and it won’t cause any toxins.

4) Turmeric: This amazing Anti-Oxidant cures liver’ cells and improves the bile generation.

5) Walnuts: It’s enriched with amino acids and helping in the liver’s detoxification process.

6) Beats and carrots: Beats and carrots juices naturally detox the liver and stimulate its functions. Vitamin A and Vitamin C from carrot and beetroot respectively protect the liver from liver diseases.

7) Liver Tonic: Choose the best organic liver tonic which repairs the liver’s cells and detoxes the liver. Alcoholic fatty liver issues will be relieved by Liver Tonic.

8) Avocado: It has high nutrients and helps to liver to get rid of toxins.

Eat these food products and protect the liver’s health !!!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fighting against Dandruff – Do’s and don’ts!!!!!

Flakes on the scalp will irritate you and break your confidence. If we want to get rid of dandruff follow the following steps.

1) Aware of the Difference between Dandruff and Dry Scalp:
We must aware about the difference between dandruff and dry scalp. First of all, we need to identify the causes of Dandruff. If its dry scalp the flakes is white color. This white in color dry flakes falls from the head frequently.  But dandruff flakes are not fall off easily.

2) Use shampoo which has anti-Dandruff elements:

Dandruff won’t be cured as in its own way. Pick the best Anti- Dandruff oil and shampoos  to get away from that. Organic hair oil products are highly enriched with Amla is the best cure for Dandruff. The antioxidants and nutrients present in the amla increase the blood flow in the scalp. This will help with the best hair growth and dandruff issues.  Choose the best organic hair oil which helps to retain the moisture level of the scalp to avoid the Dandruff formation.

3) Avoid scratch the scalp:

Sometimes desperately scratch the scalp by your fingernails because of the itchy feel. I f you scratch it continuously, dandruff would spread all over the head and more lakes produced.

4) Don’t let the wet hair for longer:

Due to the busy schedule of our life, most of us find no time to dry the hair after the hair wash.  But this wetness affects the scalp and damage the hair. It will promote the dandruff formation.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Amla amazing herbal for Hair growth!!!!

Are you tired of hair fall?

Go for a natural solution instead of chemical-based products that may spoil hair regrowth. Hair growth involved with balanced diet intake. It’s good to try some of the best organic hair oil which made up of amla. Generally, we all experience hair loss in our life. But hair strands replaced by consistent hair growth. Amla is an amazing herbal which promotes hair regrowth.
Amla is also known as Amrit. It has hair growing nourishments.

·        Promotes Hair Growth:

Nutrients and vitamins in amla help to raise the blood circulation of the scalp and induce hair growth. Vitamin C present in Amla gives collagen protein. It helps for growing thick hair.

·        Natural Hair Conditioner:

Amla can condition hair by increasing the strength and shining nature of the hair. Amla will be the perfect conditioner or oily hair and dry hair by keeping the moisture level of the hair.

·        Protects hair from dandruff:

Dandruff occurs due to the dryness o the scalp. Vitamin C fruit juices avoid dandruff. Anti-oxidants o Amla protects hair from damage due to pollution, smoke, and dust. 

·        Reduce grey Hair:

Due to the excess amount of pitta grey hair usually occurring in young ages. Amla is acting as an herbal coolant which used to remove the pitta of a body.

Use the best organic hair oil which contains Amla. That promotes hair oil growth and prevents hair from hair loss and dandruff. Amla has a large amount o antioxidants and it has inflammatory properties which relax the scalp by increasing the blood flow at the same time it protects the moisture level of hair.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ways to regrow the lost hair!!!

It’s a boon to born with beautiful, soft, thick and shiny hair. Due to the aging, environment changes we started to lose hair. Polluted atmosphere destroys the soft and rough hair. We used oil massaging; apply hair packs and organic herbal oil and conditioner for recovering the hair from the damage and destruction.
We could recover the lost hair by following some rules.

·        Head Massage:

By providing massage, it induces the blood circulation in the scalp and allows oxygen and other nutrients for hair follicles. This will help hair to grow stronger and healthier.

·        Use Herbal oil and shampoo:

Avoid more ammonium concentrated shampoo for protecting hair follicles from chemical exposures. If you want to protect hair, use organic herbal products to kick start hair growth. Use the best organic hair oil for hair growth. Be aware of theorganic hair oil which contains hair nourishing herbal products such as Rosemary,  Amla, Hibiscus, Fenugreek,  Lemon, Mint, Orange, and mint.

·        Be active to grow hair:

In this the modern culture we mostly bounded with our desks for a long period. This affects hair growth. Sitting in the same place causes more stress in you. Stress causes hair loss. For avoiding that be free and involve in physical activities which helps you to get away from stress by improving the blood circulation.

·        Eat healthy food:

Hair is made up of protein. Protein-enriched food items stimulate hair growth. So include fresh fibrous fruits and vegetables for a sound body and sound hair.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

A simple Guide to choose the best Hair Oil!!!

Hair is a simple filament. But it provides great exposure to man and women. It’s made up of a protein called keratin. It gives a beautiful look for us. Most of us mentioned by our Hair look. We give special care to hair for improving its growth and thickness. This blog provides some of the best important Hair oil to enhance hair growth.

·        Argan Oil:

This oil enriched with fatty acids and vitamin. It’s suitable for dry hair. It helps frizzy hair to be soft and shiny.
·        Coconut Oil:

This the best Hair oil for all types of Hair. It contained carbohydrate’s, vitamins and healthy. It builds strong and healthy Hair.

·        Almond Oil:

Almond Oil has several good factors. It consists of antioxidants, Vitamin E, fatty acids and protein. It also has minerals like magnesium. It will help to reduce the breakage of hair strands. It also reduces Dandruff.

·        Burgeon Hair oil:

It’s herbal hair oil which contains rare herbal products. It boosts hair growth in the Anagen phase. This phase has a long hair growing phase. This organic burgeon hair oil has some features like, it reduces the temperature of the body. With the help of this burgeon oil, you could give simple massage to your scalp for curing dandruff issues. It’s one of the reliable and the best hair oil product

·        Macadamia Oil:

This oil Product is best for extremely damaged hair. By applying this oil regularly, we could recover the Hair from damage. This oil contains high fatty acids and antioxidants which reduce the stress on the scalp and also it keeps the moisture of the scalp. By that, it also reduces dandruff and hair fall.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Tips to protect Liver’s health!!!!

The Liver is one of the biggest organs of our body. It’s playing a crucial role in the digestion process. It produces bile which acts on food and break to extract nutrients from it. It also removes the toxins of the body by the detoxification process. This dirty environment and junk food habits store more toxins in the body and cause more harmful health effects.  Hence we should follow some habits to improvethe functionalities of the liver.

1)    Have organic food items:
Include fresh leafy vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet plan. Add more fibrous food products. These items can be easily digested by the liver. This will help you to lose weight. You could maintain balanced weight and lead a healthy Life.

2)    Avoid Junk foods:
Now- a days people are following fast food culture. Fast food contain trans-fat and sugar. Generally fast food does not contain any healthy nutrients. It has sugar, oily and trans-fat substances. These stress the liver functionalities in terms of digestion. As a result of that fatty liver issues will occur.

3)    Drink plenty of water:
Water is the natural cleanser. Drink more water it induces the metabolism process.

4)    Use organic  Liver supplements:
Liver supplements help to improve liver cells for doing their functions such as detoxification and Digestion. Organic liver supplements do not make any undesirable effects in the body. For instance, Nectar Liver tonic is an herbal tonic which cures both Nonalcoholic fatty liver issues and alcoholic fatty liver issues.

5)    Avoid contaminated areas:
It’s very hard to practice because we are living in a polluted environment. We added contaminating elements in the land, water, air even in food products. We couldn’t escape from that. But we can try avoiding our body to get exposed to the polluted atmosphere. It’s the reason for toxins.

Protect the liver and have a healthy life !!!!

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Keep your liver happy!!!

The liver is the natural cleanser which used to remove chemicals and toxins of the body. Doctors recommended lemon juice, coconut water is the best natural liver tonics which are effectively acting as detoxifiers.

Say Yes to Fresh Veggies and fruits:
Increase the intake of green leafy vegetables and vitamin C enriched food items they are natural anti-oxidants. Vitamin A, B, C, E and K and minerals such as calcium, potassium, and Iron, Amino acids are natural detoxifying factors. Hence we could consume that minerals contained food products which protect the health and happiness of a Liver. Pomegranate, beetroot and carrot juices or smoothies help to strengthen the liver.

Give up Alcohol Habit:
The most toxin releasing element is alcohol. Generous amount of alcohol consumption could cause fatty liver and cirrhosis. Finally, it leads to cancer.

Say No to fatty Junk Foods:
The liver produces an enzyme which is called bile. Bile used to digest the fat content of the food. Junk food contains high trans-fat which insisted liver to work more for digesting them. Due to that stressful environment, non-alcoholic fatty liver issues will be raised.

Nectar Liver Tonic:
This organic Liver tonic contains natural organic Ayurveda products which are responsible for curing alcoholic fatty liver diseases and Non – Alcoholic fatty liver diseases. This won’t make any undesirable effects on a body. Nectar liver tonic completely helps for happy Liver.

Drink more water:

Water is a very essential element in cleansing the body. Daily we should drink 7-8 liters of water for the proper functioning of a body. It removes all unwanted chemicals of the body. It naturally induces the detoxification process of a body.

Protect the happiness of liver by healthy lifestyle!!!