Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ways to regrow the lost hair!!!

It’s a boon to born with beautiful, soft, thick and shiny hair. Due to the aging, environment changes we started to lose hair. Polluted atmosphere destroys the soft and rough hair. We used oil massaging; apply hair packs and organic herbal oil and conditioner for recovering the hair from the damage and destruction.
We could recover the lost hair by following some rules.

·        Head Massage:

By providing massage, it induces the blood circulation in the scalp and allows oxygen and other nutrients for hair follicles. This will help hair to grow stronger and healthier.

·        Use Herbal oil and shampoo:

Avoid more ammonium concentrated shampoo for protecting hair follicles from chemical exposures. If you want to protect hair, use organic herbal products to kick start hair growth. Use the best organic hair oil for hair growth. Be aware of theorganic hair oil which contains hair nourishing herbal products such as Rosemary,  Amla, Hibiscus, Fenugreek,  Lemon, Mint, Orange, and mint.

·        Be active to grow hair:

In this the modern culture we mostly bounded with our desks for a long period. This affects hair growth. Sitting in the same place causes more stress in you. Stress causes hair loss. For avoiding that be free and involve in physical activities which helps you to get away from stress by improving the blood circulation.

·        Eat healthy food:

Hair is made up of protein. Protein-enriched food items stimulate hair growth. So include fresh fibrous fruits and vegetables for a sound body and sound hair.

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