Monday, August 19, 2019

Fighting against Dandruff – Do’s and don’ts!!!!!

Flakes on the scalp will irritate you and break your confidence. If we want to get rid of dandruff follow the following steps.

1) Aware of the Difference between Dandruff and Dry Scalp:
We must aware about the difference between dandruff and dry scalp. First of all, we need to identify the causes of Dandruff. If its dry scalp the flakes is white color. This white in color dry flakes falls from the head frequently.  But dandruff flakes are not fall off easily.

2) Use shampoo which has anti-Dandruff elements:

Dandruff won’t be cured as in its own way. Pick the best Anti- Dandruff oil and shampoos  to get away from that. Organic hair oil products are highly enriched with Amla is the best cure for Dandruff. The antioxidants and nutrients present in the amla increase the blood flow in the scalp. This will help with the best hair growth and dandruff issues.  Choose the best organic hair oil which helps to retain the moisture level of the scalp to avoid the Dandruff formation.

3) Avoid scratch the scalp:

Sometimes desperately scratch the scalp by your fingernails because of the itchy feel. I f you scratch it continuously, dandruff would spread all over the head and more lakes produced.

4) Don’t let the wet hair for longer:

Due to the busy schedule of our life, most of us find no time to dry the hair after the hair wash.  But this wetness affects the scalp and damage the hair. It will promote the dandruff formation.

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